

4 min readJun 14, 2021

The Roman city of Pompeii is best known for the fateful day Mount Vesuvius erupted and incarcerated the city in an ashen sarcophagus but, the following reading will address the active and lively time before such a devastating event. In its life, Pompeii was a wealthy and active city. It was industrious as well as erotic. This is seen in the artifacts uncovered from the ashes.

The prosperous nature of the Pompeii is accentuated by the residential building structure, the decorations within the homes, and an abundance of industrious buildings (Strayer and Nelson 2016, 220). Pompeii, as a city was laid out in a systematic grid pattern like the way cities, are today (Strayer and Nelson 2016, 220). Pompeii also had public facilities like bathhouses and brothels. Yes. Pompeii was the home of about thirty brothels. So, not only was this a city of business it was a city of lust. This shows that the connection between money and sex existed long before the post-modern era. A similar inference can be drawn about concepts like materialism and greed. This “more mentality” is clearly expressed in the statement found inscribed on a Pompeii home; “Gain is pure joy” (Strayer and Nelson 2016, 220).

The brothels in Pompeii were owned by intelligent businessmen. Women during the second wave were considered property and were often slaves (Strayer and Nelson 2016, 203). Which makes starting a sex business in a city full of entrepreneurial minds who needed some good relaxation time look like an easy feat. And the perks of such a business were a bachelor's dream.

Though, not all women were slaves and workers. Some women were members of high-class society, well educated, and owned their own slaves to care for the home. High-class citizens, which includes businessmen, often owned slaves and dress in fine cloth with bright colors and delicate patterns. The vibrant painting Terentius Neo and His Wife provides a direct depiction of higher-class society (Strayer and Nelson 2016, 221). The couple is shown wearing elegant clothing and the styles Terentius’s wife has pressed against her lips imply her ability to read and write. Though she does not have a name connected to the painting she is allowed a prop to represent her importance in Terentius’s life. The assumption could be drawn that Terentius’s wife also played the part of assistant, bookkeeper, and/or accountant. Though she was not a slave her duties were to obey and serve her husband and her education would have been useful to his business.

Though there was the prominence of slavery and oppression, the interaction of classes a common practice. The wealthy and weary would often converse in public settings. One could recognize a slave versus someone of the high class by examining their attire and the part played at social events (Strayer and Nelson 2016, 222). The painting A Pompeii Banquet shows an example of such an event. Noblemen are seen mingling and responding to the service of their slaves (Strayer and Nelson 2016, 222). These high-class members wear togas with bright sashes while the servants have no color or design to their clothing. All participants are shown in close vicinity and interacting with members of different groups.

Perhaps the emphasis the people of Pompeii placed on religion was the cause for such nondiscriminatory interaction between such discriminating social roles. Religion in Pompeii culture tied directly into the prosperous mentality and was such a key part of daily activity, shrines were placed in the homes of those who could afford the elaborate construction or could collect enough pieces to assemble their own homely place of worship (Strayer and Nelson 2016, 224). Pompeii religious practice was like today’s distorted catholic beliefs; kindness and good deeds were used to gain favor and gifts from the gods. Thus, high social class citizens would try to exceed each other in the appearance of generosity as well as prosperity (Strayer and Nelson 2016, 223). This is something that is also seen between participants of catholic practice.

The artifacts found in the ashen preserves of Pompeii shine a clear light on the social dynamic of the civilization as well as the potential origin of concepts and practices we have today. Pompeii was a city of achievement and gain. Socially it was a place of lust and intermingling. The perceivable downside of this city was the same as most roman cities; there was too much greed, male dictated control, and slavery. But, that aside Pompeii was a fantastic city and a place to be proud to call part of human history though it ended in such tragedy.

Works Cited

Strayer, Robert W, and Eric W Nelson. 2016. Ways of the World a Brief Global History with Sources. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s.




Written by K8lynnCase

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